Features of Angular Version .

Features of Angular 12

Angular JS was developed by Google and has gained popularity ever since its release because it makes development both easier and faster than before. Angular JS is a JavaScript framework that can create dynamic web applications for small and large-scale businesses alike. It allows users to manipulate HTML elements in real-time and track events such as clicks and keystrokes. Angular 12 version also has several directives that allow the manipulation of objects, making it very easy for developers to work with REST APIs.

Krify is a leading Angular JS development company with developers who are experts in offering solutions for your business. Our team of developers is well-versed with the latest technologies and trends, which means you get to work with the best at all times. We understand that your business needs are unique; therefore, we offer custom AngularJS development services according to your specific requirements. 

Features of Angular 12

AngularJS is a Javascript framework that can create dynamic web apps on both smaller and larger scales. Below are some of the features of Angular Version 12.

1. Angular Learning:

The Google team works hard to improve the developer experience. As a result of this dedication, you will find some changes in Angular 12 documentation with an edition of the content projection guide. There’s also a contributor’s guide that helps developers improve their project documentation more so ever since it was released last year – we’ve shared many useful ways for debugging guides or videos on Youtube!.

2. ng API improvements:

The ng troubleshooting API, which we may use through the program Google, is continuously striving to improve the learning experience for developers, and for the same reason, you will notice some changes in the Angular 12 documentation with an edition of the content projection guide. A few features, such as getDirectiveMetadata and set profiler, have been developed to debug APIs for structural inspection of applications. The getDirectiveMetadata method can be used to retrieve information about components and directives. 

3. New Dev tools:

Following the availability of Angular dev tools for Google Chrome, the inbuilt profiler can preview and record change detection events, allowing it to be tracked which detection cycle and components took the longest. Previously, the Angular community used semi-official Dev Tools that were incompatible with Ivy.

4. Webpack 5.37 support:

Angular 12 has production-ready experimental Webpack 5 functionality, first presented in Angular 11. Webpack is a critical piece of the Angular CLI puzzle, as it influences bundle size, builds execution, and so on. Webpack 5 is a significant release, as it should be. It has many ground-breaking changes and features. Webpack 5 improves build performance, long-term caching, compatibility with the Web platform, bundle size, and code generation.

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5. Change in Tuple types:

Tuples are useful data types in programming when developers return many results from a function. Tuples can be used as keys for dictionary-style word referencing because they are consistent. One of the most important features of TypeScript is that tuples can have optional and discretionary components and rest components, which is great for readability and tooling.

6. Abstract construct signature:

One of the key aspects of TyepScript 4.2 is abstraction. Designers can use the theoretical modifier in TypeScript to check if a class is abstract. Engineers must follow an important OOP concept when creating events to extract attributes and practices from abstract classes: broaden the abstract class using a subclass and startup objects. Mixins are one of the cutting-edge techniques for TypeScript, which is also known as a similar subject.

7. Improved Type Alias:

TypeScript did not resolve types efficiently in previous versions. In most cases, TypeScript will return the correct types but not the significant valid alias, resulting in a lack of readability and the repetition of comparable code. Currently, such types’ re-aliasing successfully receives and displays the new type alias.

8. Compile Process Improvement:

It can be difficult and time-consuming to search for TypeScript file definitions while working on complex projects. It is primarily an experimental technique. However, with Typescript 4.2, it is possible to obtain the names of documents that TypeScript discovers as part of the project. Typescript also considers document explanations to be significant for the compilation process.


We are an Angular Development Company, and one of the ways we stay on top of our game is by staying up to date with the latest version. Our team members have regular updates about what’s new in Angular, so you can ensure that your business has a cutting-edge website or app. If you would like more information about how Krify will help make your company’s next project successful,  contact us today for more information.


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